Adding a RevBayes help file

Last modified on March 17, 2025

Set up GitHub Access

The development branch is “protected”

RevBayes does not allow pushing to the development branch directly. Instead, you should create a new branch off of development and add your changes there. In order to merge these changes into the development branch you will first create a “pull request” (PR) based on your new branch. The pull request is a request to merge the changes into the development branch. If automatic tests pass for the the new branch, and the pull request is approved by someone, then you can merge the changes into development.

Push a branch

First, make sure you are currently on the development branch so that your new branch starts from the right place.

git checkout development
git branch
git log

Then make a new branch:

git branch my-new-branch-name
git checkout my-new-branch-name
git branch

Finally, let’s commit some changes. Let’s suppose that you are modifying the help file help/md/ So edit this file and save it. Before you do this, you might want to change the default editor.

git status                          # check that the file you changed is shown as modified
git add help/md/
git status                          # check that your modified file is staged
git commit
git push --set-upstream=origin my-new-branch-name

The changes that you committed will then be publicly available from github. They do not need to be perfect: making them public allows others to comment on your work, review it, and make suggestions.

Make a Pull Request (PR)

Update a help file