Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of morphological character data using RevBayes

Location: Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting, Bristol, UK
Dates: 12/14, 2018
Instructors: Rachel Warnock, Mark Puttick, Joseph O'Reilly, Holly Betts


This short workshop will provide an introduction to Bayesian approaches for the analysis of morphological character matrices and an introduction to the Bayesian phylogenetics software package RevBayes.

Location: The Old Council Chamber, Wills Memorial Building, University of Bristol, BS8 1RL 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM.


Before the course starts, please install the following software on your own computer:


We recommend some selected papers for you to read prior to the workshop. These are not required and we will explain all the content throughout the workshop. However, some prior background knowledge will help to successfully work through the material.


Date Time Topic Material Instructors
Friday 09:00-10:00 Lecture: An introduction to Bayesian phylogenetics using morphology Mark Puttick
Friday 10:10-11:00 Lecture: An introduction to graphical models and Bayesian phylogenetics using RevBayes Rachel Warnock
Friday 11:10-12:30 Lab: Phylogenetic inference using discrete morphology using RevBayes Discrete morphology - Tree Inference Joseph O'Reilly