RevBayes Demonstration and Mini Workshop

Location: Montana State University, Bozeman, MT USA
Dates: 4/12, 2018
Instructors: Tracy Heath


This workshop will introduce RevBayes and the Rev language. We will focus on the basics of the software and hierarchical Bayesian modeling. We will work together through one tutorial. I will walk through setting up a phylogenetic analysis of fossil and molecular data. Then we will discuss the other models and methods available in RevBayes.


Additional Information

Please be sure to download and install RevBayes. Go to the Software page for more information.


Here are some lecture slides that are similar to the ones presented in the workshop. These slides cover the basics of phylogenetic inference and analysis using RevBayes.

Introduction to Bayesian Phylogenetics from Tracy Heath
Bayesian Divergence Time Estimation – Workshop Lecture from Tracy Heath