RevBayes Workshops

Throughout the year, the members of the RevBayes development team and our collaborators teach workshops on molecular evolution, phylogenetics, and Bayesian inference using RevBayes. Additionally, we have occasional hackathons which bring together developers to work on the software and methods for phylogenetic analysis.

Date Course Title Location Instructors
January 16, 2023 SSB 2023 Chamela Station Workshop on Phylogenetics and Comparative Method Chamela Biological Field Station, Institute of Biology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Ivalú Cacho González, Stacey Smith, Tracy Heath, Alejandro Gonzalez Voyer, Rosana Zenil-Ferguson, Joseph Uyeda, Isabel Sanmartin, Ricardo García-Sandoval
May 27, 2022 Bayesian Phylogenetics in RevBayes Workshop on Molecular Evolution at MBL, Woods Hole, MA Jeremy Brown, Tracy Heath, John Huelsenbeck, Paul Lewis, Josua Justison, Bruno do Rosario Petrucci
April 21, 2021 Stay-at-Home RevBayes Workshop Spring 2021 Online Only Event (for Asia-Pacific Time Zones) Joëlle Barido-Sottani, June Walker, Josh Justison, Wade Dismukes, Luiza Fabreti, Rui Borges, Ben Redelings, Mike May, Fábio Mendes, Mariana Braga, Bruno Petrucci, April Wright, Rachel Warnock, Carrie Tribble, Paul Lewis, Michael Landis, Tracy Heath, Sebastian Höhna
October 1, 2020 Introduction to Phylogenomics Anywhere (online-only event) Jeremy M. Brown, Bob Thomson
July 13, 2020 Stay-at-Home RevBayes Workshop Summer 2020 Anywhere (online-only event) Joëlle Barido-Sottani, June Walker, Josh Justison, Wade Dismukes, Luiza Fabreti, Tracy Heath, Jeremy M. Brown, Rosana Zenil-Ferguson
September 17, 2019 Bayesian phylogenetics and macroevolution in RevBayes Room D114, Museum of Paleontology, Richard-Wagner Str 10, LMU Munich, Germany Sebastian Höhna, Allison Hsiang, Luiza Fabreti
August 1, 2019 Bayesian Phylogenetics in RevBayes Workshop on Molecular Evolution at MBL, Woods Hole, MA Michael Landis, Tracy Heath, June Walker, John Huelsenbeck, Paul Lewis
July 2, 2019 Phylogenomics and Population Genomics: Inference and Applications University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain All instructors, Sebastian Höhna
June 10, 2019 MadPhylo: Madrid Workshop on Phylogenetics Royal Botanical Garden, Madrid, Spain Sebastian Höhna, John Huelsenbeck, Mike May, Isabel Sanmartin
May 25, 2019 Bodega Applied Phylogenetics Workshop Bodega Bay, California, USA Brian Moore, Cécile Ané, John Huelsenbeck, Sebastian Höhna, Michael Landis, Mike May, Bruce Rannala, Bob Thomson, Peter Wainwright
March 26, 2019 Bayesian phylogenetics and macroevolution in RevBayes The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia Tracy Heath
December 14, 2018 Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of morphological character data using RevBayes Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting, Bristol, UK Rachel Warnock, Mark Puttick, Joseph O'Reilly, Holly Betts
December 11, 2018 Analysing Macroevolutionary Processes using RevBayes Université de Montpellier, Montpellier, France Sebastian Höhna, Rachel Warnock, Fabien Condamine, Thomas Couvreur
October 5, 2018 Bayesian Phylogenetics in RevBayes The Field Museum, Chicago, IL USA Tracy Heath
August 2, 2018 MadPhylo: Madrid Workshop on Phylogenetics Royal Botanical Garden, Madrid, Spain Sebastian Höhna, John Huelsenbeck, Brian Moore, Fredrik Ronquist, Isabel Sanmartin
July 22, 2018 RevBayes for Botanists Botany 2018 Conference, Rochester, MN USA Will Freyman, Rosana Zenil-Ferguson, Jordan Koch
July 20, 2018 Bayesian Phylogenetics in RevBayes Workshop on Molecular Evolution at MBL, Woods Hole, MA Michael Landis, Tracy Heath, John Huelsenbeck, Paul Lewis
May 1, 2018 Analysing Macroevolutionary Processes using RevBayes University of Bristol, United Kingdom Sebastian Höhna, June Walker, Rachel Warnock, Joe O'Reilly, Mark Puttick
April 16, 2018 Buenos Aires 2018 RevBayes Workshop Buenos Aires, Argentina Sebastian Höhna, Luis Palazzesi, Femke Thon
April 12, 2018 RevBayes Demonstration and Mini Workshop Montana State University, Bozeman, MT USA Tracy Heath
February 26, 2018 Phylogenetic graphical models and Bayesian inference UC Berkeley, CA USA Will Freyman
May 31, 2018 PPS with Revbayes and P3 Columbus, OH Lyndon Coghill
October 23-27, 2017 Bayesian Phylogenetics Workshop Gothenberg, Sweden June Walker
October 21, 2017 Bayesian fossil tip dating using RevBayes Geological Society of America Meeting, Seattle, Washington Rachel Warnock and Michael Landis
September 25-28, 2017 Bayesian inference of phylogenies with RevBayes International Biogeography Society Meeting, Bangalore, India June Walker, Tracy Heath
August 13-14, 2017 Bayesian Phylogenetics in RevBayes Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa June Walker, Tracy Heath
August 7-11, 2017 Bayesian phylogenetics using RevBayes NIMBioS, Knoxville, Tennessee Bastien Boussau, Will Freyman, Emma Goldberg, Tracy A. Heath, Sebastian Höhna, John Huelsenbeck
July 20-30, 2017 Bayesian Phylogenetics in RevBayes Workshop on Molecular Evolution at Woods Hole, Massachusetts Tracy Heath and Michael Landis
March 11-17, 2017 Workshop in Applied Phylogenetics Bodega Bay Applied Phylogenetics, California Peter Wainright, April Wright, Bob Thomson, Rachel Warnock, Sebastian Höhna, Jeremy Brown, Joanna Chiu, Michael Landis, Sam Price, Bruce Rannala
January 27, 2017 Bayesian phylogenetic inference and divergence time estimation using RevBayes Workshop on Phylogenomics, Český Krumlov, Czechia Tracy Heath
January 7-8, 2017 RevBayes Introduction, Biogeography, Fossilized-Birth-Death and Model Adequacy SSB Standalone Meeting, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Sebastian Höhna, Lyndon Coghill, Will Freyman, Michael Landis, Tracy Heath, June Walker, and April Wright
December 9+16, 2017 An introduction to Bayesian phylogenetics and biogeographic dating Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut Michael Landis
July 18-29, 2016 Bayesian Phylogenetics in RevBayes Workshop on Molecular Evolution at Woods Hole, Massachusetts Tracy Heath and Michael Landis
March 21-23, 2016 Phylogenetic inference using RevBayes UC Irvine, California Sebastian Höhna
September 14, 2015 Bayesian phylogenetic using RevBayes LSU, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
July 20-29, 2015 Bayesian Phylogenetics in RevBayes Workshop on Molecular Evolution at Woods Hole, Massachusetts Tracy Heath and Michael Landis
June 26, 2015 Model-based Molecular Systematics Workshop Guaruja, Brazil Tracy Heath
March 2015 Introduction to RevBayes University of Minnesota, St. Paul MN, USA Tracy Heath
March 23-27, 2015 Introduction to Bayesian phylogenetics using RevBayes UC Berkeley, California Sebastian Höhna, Michael Landis, John Huelsenbeck
March 8-14, 2015 Workshop in Applied Phylogenetics Bodega Bay Applied Phylogenetics, California Jonathan Eisen, Rich Glor, Tracy Heath, Sebastian Höhna, John Huelsenbeck, Michael Landis, Sarah Longo, Mike May, Brian Moore, Peter Wainwright, Sam Price, Bruce Rannala, Bob Thomson
Jan 25 - Feb 7, 2015 Bayesian phylogenetic inference using RevBayes Molecular Evolution Workshop, Český Krumlov, Czechia Sebastian Höhna
August 25-31, 2014 NESCent Academy Course: Phylogenetic Analysis Using RevBayes NESCent, Durham, North Carolina Tracy Heath, Brian Moore, Fredrik Ronquist, John Huelsenbeck, Michael Landis, Sebastian Höhna, Tanja Stadler, Bastien Boussau
July 28-August 6, 2014 Bayesian phylogenetic inference using RevBayes Workshop on Molecular Evolution at Woods Hole, Massachusetts Tracy Heath and Michael Landis
March 11-15, 2013 First RevBayes workshop Groningen University, The Netherlands