- Tree datatype
The Tree datatype stores information to describe the shared ancestryof a taxon set. Information includes taxon labels, topology, nodecount, and branch lengths. Tree objects also possess several usefulmethods to traverse and manipulate the Tree's value.
- addFossil(Taxon fossil, Taxon[] clade)
- branchLength(Natural node)
- calculateEDR()
- calculateMNTD(AbstractHomologousDiscreteCharacterData characters, Natural stateIndex, Natural site, Bool zScore, Bool useBranchLengths, Natural randomizations)
- calculateMPD(AbstractHomologousDiscreteCharacterData characters, Natural stateIndex, Natural site, Bool zScore, Bool useBranchLengths, Natural randomizations)
- child(Natural node, Natural index)
- containsClade(Clade clade)
- dropTip(String node)
- fitchScore(AbstractHomologousDiscreteCharacterData characters)
- getClade(Taxon[] clade)
- getDescendantTaxa(Natural node)
- getIndices()
- getInverseES()
- getNodeIndex(Clade node)
- getPSSP(AbstractHomologousDiscreteCharacterData characters, Natural stateIndex)
- getRootIndex()
- hasSameTopology(Tree tree)
- isBinary()
- isContainedInClade(Natural node, Clade clade)
- isInternal(Natural node)
- meanInverseES(AbstractHomologousDiscreteCharacterData characters, Natural stateIndex)
- names()
- nnodes()
- nodeName(Natural node)
- ntips()
- offset(RealPos factor)
- parent(Natural node)
- removeDuplicateTaxa()
- renumberNodes(Tree referenceTree)
- reroot(Clade clade, Bool makeBifurcating)
- rescale(RealPos factor)
- resolveMultifurcations(Bool resolveRoot)
- setBranchLength(Natural index, RealPos value)
- setNegativeConstraint(Bool flag)
- setTaxonName(String current, String new)
- suppressOutdegreeOneNodes(Bool replace)
- taxa()
- tipIndex(String name)
- treeLength()