Rev Language Reference



dnAutocorrelatedEvent(Distribution__Natural eventDistribution, Distribution[] valueDistribution, String[] names, Natural[] minNumberEvents, String[] autocorrelationTypes, String[] autocorrelationDependencies, RealPos[] autocorrelationSigmas, String sort)


eventDistribution : Distribution__Natural (pass by const reference)
The prior on the number of events.
valueDistribution : Distribution[] (pass by const reference)
The base distribution for the per category values.
names : String[] (pass by const reference)
The names of the values.
minNumberEvents : Natural[] (pass by const reference)
The minum number of values per value category.
autocorrelationTypes : String[] (pass by const reference)
The autocorrelation types per variables. Allowed values are NONE|ACN|ACLN.
autocorrelationDependencies : String[] (pass by const reference)
The autocorrelation dependencies per variables. This is important if you want autocorrelation to be time-dependent. Allowed values are NONE or the name of another variable.
autocorrelationSigmas : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The standard deviation parameters of the autocorrelated variables.
sort : String (pass by const reference)
The name of the variable to sort by. For example, if you want to enforce sorting by time the you need to specify the name of your time variable.
Default : none

Domain Type