x : | Real[] (<deterministic> pass by reference) |
The variable on which the move operates. | |
mean : | Real (<stochastic> pass by reference) |
The mean parameter of the variables. | |
delta : | RealPos (pass by value) |
The window size parameter. | |
Default : 1 | |
tune : | Bool (pass by value) |
Should we tune the scaling factor during burnin? | |
Default : TRUE | |
weight : | RealPos (pass by value) |
The weight determines the relative frequency with which this move will be attempted. For details, see the description of the 'moveschedule' parameter on the documentation page for 'mcmc()'. | |
Default : 1 | |
tuneTarget : | Probability (pass by value) |
The acceptance probability targeted by auto-tuning. | |
Default : 0.44 |