- Log-scaled distribution
logDistribution : | Distribution__Real (pass by const reference) |
The distribution in log-space. |
x ~ dnLog(dnNormal(0,1)) # Draw from the log-Normal distribution
x ~ dnNormal(0,1) |> dnLog() # Expressed using pipes.
x ~ dnLognormal(0,1) # This is equivalent.
y ~ dnNormal(0,1)
x := exp(y) # This is also equivalent.
x ~ dnLog(dnGamma(2,3)) # There is no equivalent for this.
x ~ dnIID(10,dnLog(dnGamma(2,3))) # Draw 10 log-Gamma(2,3) random variables.
mu = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
Sigma ~ dnWishart(df=4, kappa=2, dim=4)
x ~ dnLog(dnMultivariateNormal(mu,Sigma))