Rev Language Reference



  • mvNodeRateTimeSlideBeta


mvRateAgeBetaShift(Tree tree, RealPos[] rates, RealPos delta, Bool tune, RealPos weight, Probability tuneTarget)


tree : Tree (<stochastic> pass by reference)
The tree on which this move operates on.
rates : RealPos[] (pass by reference)
The vector of per-branch rates (from a relaxed clock).
delta : RealPos (pass by value)
The concentration of the move on the previous age.
Default : 1
tune : Bool (pass by value)
Should we tune this move during burnin?
Default : TRUE
weight : RealPos (pass by value)
The weight how often on average this move will be used per iteration.
Default : 1
tuneTarget : Probability (pass by value)
The acceptance probability targeted by auto-tuning.
Default : 0.44