Rev Language Reference


A move to scale a single continuous value by multiplying by a value drawn from a Gamma(lambda,1) distribution. Lambda is the tuning parameter that controls the size of the proposals.


mvGammaScale(RealPos x, RealPos lambda, Bool tune, RealPos weight, Probability tuneTarget)


x : RealPos (<stochastic> pass by reference)
The variable this move operates on.
lambda : RealPos (pass by value)
The strength of the proposal.
Default : 1
tune : Bool (pass by value)
Should we tune lambda during burnin?
Default : TRUE
weight : RealPos (pass by value)
The weight determines the relative frequency with which this move will be attempted. For details, see the description of the 'moveschedule' parameter on the documentation page for 'mcmc()'.
Default : 1
tuneTarget : Probability (pass by value)
The acceptance probability targeted by auto-tuning.
Default : 0.44


# Here is a simple example for conducting MCMC on the mean and sd of a Normal distribution.

# Uniform(0,1) priors on the mean and sd
mean ~ dnUnif(0,1)
sd ~ dnUnif(0,1)

# Dummy data (will not actually be analyzed)
data <- v(0.4,0.5,0.6)

# Clamping data
for (i in 1:data.size()){ outcomes[i] ~ dnNorm(mean,sd); outcomes[i].clamp(data[i]) }

# Initializing move and monitor counters
mvi = 1
mni = 1

# Adding Gamma scale moves for the mean and sd (THIS MOVE IS HERE)
moves[mvi++] = mvGammaScale(mean)
moves[mvi++] = mvGammaScale(sd)

# Instantiating the model
mymodel = model(outcomes)

# Adding screen monitor for the mean
monitors[mni++] = mnScreen(mean, printgen=1000)

# Creating MCMC object
mymcmc = mcmc(mymodel, moves, monitors)

# Running MCMC under the prior,underPrior=TRUE);

See Also