rootAge/originAge : | RealPos (pass by const reference) |
The start time of the process. | |
lambda : | RealPos (pass by const reference) |
The birth rate(s). | |
mu : | RealPos (pass by const reference) |
The death rate(s). | |
phi/psi : | RealPos (pass by const reference) |
The serial sampling rate(s). | |
timeline : | RealPos[] (pass by const reference) |
The rate interval change times of the piecewise constant process. | |
Default : NULL | |
lambdaTimeline : | RealPos[] (pass by const reference) |
The rate interval change times of the speciation rate. | |
Default : NULL | |
muTimeline : | RealPos[] (pass by const reference) |
The rate interval change times of the extinction rate. | |
Default : NULL | |
phiTimeline/psiTimeline : | RealPos[] (pass by const reference) |
The rate interval change times of the sampling rate. | |
Default : NULL | |
PhiTimeline/rhoTimeline : | RealPos[] (pass by const reference) |
Times at which all taxa are sampled with some probability. There is always additionally a sampling event at the present. | |
Default : NULL | |
condition : | String (pass by value) |
The condition of the process. | |
Default : time | |
Options : time|survival|sampling | |
taxa : | Taxon[] (pass by const reference) |
The taxa used for initialization. | |
initialTree : | TimeTree (pass by value) |
Instead of drawing a tree from the distribution, initialize distribution with this tree. | |
Default : NULL | |
ageCheckPrecision : | Natural (pass by value) |
If an initial tree is provided, how many decimal places should be used when checking its tip ages against a taxon file? | |
Default : 4 | |
Lambda : | Probability[] (pass by const reference) |
The episodic birth burst probabilities. | |
Default : NULL | |
Mu : | Probability[] (pass by const reference) |
The episodic death burst (mass extinction) probabilities. | |
Default : NULL | |
LambdaTimeline : | RealPos[] (pass by const reference) |
Times at which all taxa give birth with some probability. | |
Default : NULL | |
MuTimeline : | RealPos[] (pass by const reference) |
Times at which all taxa die with some probability. | |
Default : NULL | |
rho/Phi : | Probability (pass by const reference) |
The probability of sampling taxa at sampling events (at present only if input is scalar). |