Rev Language Reference

tnLog - Log-transformed distribution

Log-transforms a given distribution.


tnLog(Distribution__RealPos baseDistribution)


baseDistribution : Distribution__RealPos (pass by const reference)
The distribution to be transformed.

Domain Type


If X ~ dist then tnLog(dist) is the distribution of log(X). The distribution `dist` can be either univariate (dnExponential) or multivariate (dnDirichlet). This is NOT the same as dnLog(dist), which provides a distribution that has distribution `dist` on the log-scale.


x ~ tnLog(dnExponential(1))       # The log of an Exponential random variable.
x ~ dnExponential(1) |> tnLog()   # Expressed using pipes.

y ~ dnExponential(1)
x := log(y)                       # This is also equivalent.

x ~ dnDirichlet([1,1,1,1]) |> tnLog()

See Also