- Constant population size Coalescent process
theta : | RealPos (pass by const reference) |
The constant population size. | |
taxa : | Taxon[] (pass by value) |
The taxa used when drawing a random tree. | |
constraints : | Clade[] (pass by value) |
The topological constraints strictly enforced. | |
Default : [ ] |
# specify a prior distribution on the constant population size
pop_size ~ dnUniform(0,1E6)
moves.append( mvScale(pop_size, lambda=0.1, tune=true, weight=2.0) )
# specify the coalescent process.
# note that you need to have a vector of taxa
psi ~ dnCoalescent(theta=pop_size, taxa=taxa)
# for monitoring purposes, you may want the root age
root_height := psi.rootAge()
# continue as usual to either clamp the genealogy or infer the genealogy based on sequence data