Rev Language Reference

mvDirichletSimplex - Dirichlet Simplex move

A Dirichlet-simplex proposal randomly changes some values of a [Simplex]( (a vector whose elements sum to 1). The other values change too because of renormalization. First, some random indices are drawn. Then, the proposal draws a new simplex `u ~ Dirichlet(val[index] * alpha)`, where alpha is the tuning parameter. The new value is set to `u`. The simplex is then renormalized.


  • mvSimplex


mvDirichletSimplex(Simplex x, RealPos alpha, Natural numCats, RealPos offset, RealPos kappa, Bool tune, RealPos weight, Probability tuneTarget)


x : Simplex (<stochastic> pass by reference)
The simplex on which this move operates.
alpha : RealPos (pass by value)
The concentration parameter on the previous value.
Default : 1
numCats : Natural (pass by value)
The number of categories changed per move.
Default : 1
offset : RealPos (pass by value)
The offset of the current value to center new proposals (x+offset).
Default : 0
kappa : RealPos (pass by value)
The offset of tuning parameter (x * alpha + kappa).
Default : 0
tune : Bool (pass by value)
Should we tune this move during burnin?
Default : TRUE
weight : RealPos (pass by value)
The weight determines the relative frequency with which this move will be attempted. For details, see the description of the 'moveschedule' parameter on the documentation page for 'mcmc()'.
Default : 1
tuneTarget : Probability (pass by value)
The acceptance probability targeted by auto-tuning.
Default : 0.44


Usage examples can be found at and

See Also