- The parameters of a phylogenetic model – a tree topology with branch lengths, a substitution model that describes how observations evolve over the tree, etc. – collectively form a distribution called the phylogenetic continuous-time Markov chain.
tree : | Tree (pass by const reference) |
The tree along which the process evolves. | |
Q : | RateGenerator (pass by const reference) |
The global, branch-specific or site-mixture rate matrices. | |
rootFrequencies : | Simplex (pass by const reference) |
The root specific frequencies of the characters, if applicable. | |
Default : NULL | |
branchRates : | RealPos (pass by const reference) |
The global or branch-specific rate multipliers. | |
Default : 1 | |
siteMatrices : | Simplex (pass by const reference) |
Simplex of site matrix mixture probabilities. Treats Q as vector of site mixture categories instead of branch-specific matrices. | |
Default : NULL | |
siteRates : | RealPos[] (pass by const reference) |
The rate categories for the sites. | |
Default : NULL | |
siteRatesProbs : | Simplex (pass by const reference) |
The probability weights of rate categories for the sites. | |
Default : NULL | |
pInv : | Probability (pass by const reference) |
The probability of a site being invariant. | |
Default : NULL | |
nSites : | Natural (pass by value) |
The number of sites, used for simulation. | |
Default : 0 | |
type : | String (pass by value) |
The data type, used for simulation and initialization. | |
Default : DNA | |
Options : DNA|RNA|AA|Codon|Doublet|PoMo|Protein|Standard|NaturalNumbers|Binary|Restriction | |
treatAmbiguousAsGap : | Bool (pass by value) |
Should we treat ambiguous characters as gaps/missing? | |
Default : FALSE | |
coding : | String (pass by value) |
Default : all | |
storeInternalNodes : | Bool (pass by value) |
Should we store internal node states in the character matrix? | |
Default : FALSE | |
gapMatchClamped : | Bool (pass by value) |
Should we set the simulated character to be gap or missing if the corresponding character in the clamped matrix is gap or missing? | |
Default : TRUE |
# Read character data from a file
chars <- readDiscreteCharacterData("myData.nex")
taxa = chars.taxa()
# Draw a tree with branch lengths
tree ~ dnUniformTopologyBranchLength( taxa, branchLengthDistribution=dnExp(10.0) )
# Define a rate matrix
q_matrix <- fnJC(4)
# Create stochastic node with the tip distribution given by `tree` and `q_matrix`
x ~ dnPhyloCTMC(tree = tree, Q = q_matrix)
# Clamp observed characters to the node
# Calculate the probability of the observed characters under the given distribution