Select representative values from `num_cats` discrete subdivisions of a beta distribution.
A beta distribution is defined by two shape parameters, alpha and beta.
Where a parameter or prior is defined based on the beta distribution, it may be more tractable to evaluate likelihoods at a fixed number of points from the distribution. These representative points can be computed using `dnDiscretizeBeta`.
In practice, these values are computed as follows:
Let _n_ be the number of categories.
If `median = TRUE`, the quantile function is performed at the midpoint of each category. Call this vector _q_.
_q_ is then normalized by dividing against its sum, so its elements sum to one; then multiplied by a factor _n_ * _alpha) / (_alpha_ + _beta_).
The computation to obtain the mean for each category, when `median = FALSE`, is more complex, making use of the incomplete beta function ( Majumder & Bhattacharjee 1973).
A real-world use case is available in Wright et al. (2016), with discussion of the properties of the beta distribution. Corresponding tutorials are available at and
# Values to represent four quadrants of a symmetric beta distribution
categories := fnDiscretizeBeta(0.2, 0.2, 4)