- Invlogit-transformed distribution
baseDistribution : | Distribution__Real (pass by const reference) |
The distribution to be transformed. |
p ~ tnInvlogit(dnNormal(0,1)) # The inverse-logit of a Normal random variable.
p ~ dnNormal(0,1) |> tnInvlogit() # Expressed using pipes.
x ~ dnNormal(0,1)
p := invlogit(x) # Expressed as a deterministic function of the log-odds.
ps ~ dnIID(4,dnNormal(0,1)) |> tnInvlogit()
mu = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
Sigma ~ dnWishart(df=4, kappa=2, dim=4)
x ~ dnMultivariateNormal(mu,Sigma) |> tnInvlogit()