Rev Language Reference

dnDirichlet - Dirichlet Distribution

The Dirichlet distribution is a generalization of the Beta distribution for multiple variables.


dnDirichlet(RealPos[] alpha)


alpha : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The concentration parameter.

Domain Type


The Dirichlet distribution takes one parameter, alpha, a vector of numbers representing the concentration of the distribution on each variable. It then returns a simplex (i.e. a vector whose elements sum to 1) representing the relative probability of each variable. Note that when every element of alpha is 1, the distribution is equivalent to a uniform on each element.


# lets get a draw from a Dirichlet distribution
a <- [1,1,1,1]   # we could also use rep(1,4)
b ~ dnDirichlet(a)
# let check if b really sums to 1

See Also