- Bimodal Normal dsitribution
mean1 : | Real (pass by const reference) |
Mean of the first normal distribution. | |
mean2 : | Real (pass by const reference) |
Mean of the second normal distribution. | |
sd1 : | RealPos (pass by const reference) |
Standard deviation of the first normal distributin. | |
sd2 : | RealPos (pass by const reference) |
Standard deviation of the second normal distribution. | |
p : | Probability (pass by const reference) |
Probability that the value belongs to the first normal distribution. |
p ~ dnBeta(1.0,1.0)
x ~ dnBimodalNormal(mean1=-1,mean2=1,sd1=0.1,sd2=0.1,p=p)
x.clamp( 1 )
moves[1] = mvSlide(p, delta=0.1, weight=1.0)
monitors[1] = screenmonitor(printgen=1000, separator = " ", x)
mymodel = model(p)
mymcmc = mcmc(mymodel, monitors, moves)