- Multispecies coalescent Distribution with inverse gamma prior on effective population sizes
speciesTree : | TimeTree (pass by const reference) |
The species tree in which the gene trees evolve. | |
shape : | RealPos (pass by const reference) |
The shape of the inverse gamma prior distribution on the effective population sizes. | |
scale : | RealPos (pass by const reference) |
The scale of the inverse gamma prior distribution on the effective population sizes. | |
num_genes : | Natural (pass by const reference) |
The number of genes. | |
taxa : | Taxon[][] (pass by value) |
The vector of taxa which have species and individual names. |
# We are going to save the trees we simulate in the folder simulatedTrees:
dataFolder = "simulatedTrees/"
# Let’s simulate a species tree with 10 taxa, 2 gene trees, 3 alleles per species:
n_species <- 10
n_genes <- 2
n_alleles <- 3
# we simulate an ultrametric species tree:
# Species names:
for (i in 1:n_species) {
species[i] <- taxon(taxonName="Species_"+i, speciesName="Species_"+i)
spTree ~ dnBirthDeath(lambda=0.3, mu=0.2, rootAge=10, rho=1, samplingStrategy="uniform", condition="nTaxa", taxa=species)
# let's pick constant parameters for the inverse gamma distribution:
alpha <- 3
beta <- 0.003
# let's simulate gene trees now:
# taxa names:
for (g in 1:n_genes) {
for (i in 1:n_species) {
for (j in 1:n_alleles) {
taxons[g][(i-1)*n_alleles+j] <- taxon(taxonName="Species_"+i+"_"+j, speciesName="Species_"+i)
geneTrees[g] ~ dnMultiSpeciesCoalescentInverseGamma(speciesTree=spTree, shape=alpha, scale=beta, taxa=taxons[g])
# We can save the species tree and the gene trees:
write(spTree, filename=dataFolder+"speciesTree")
# Saving the gene trees
for (i in 1:(n_genes)) {
write(geneTrees[i], filename=dataFolder+"geneTree_"+i+".tree")