Rev Language Reference



  • dnTimeHeterogeneousLineageHeterogeneousBirthDeathSamplingProcess


dnGeneralizedLineageHeterogeneousBirthDeathProcess(RealPos rootAge/originAge, Simplex pi, RealPos[] lambda, RealPos[] lambdaTimes, RealPos[] mu, RealPos[] muTimes, RealPos[] phi, RealPos[] phiTimes, RealPos[] delta, RealPos[] deltaTimes, Probability[][] upsilon, RealPos[] upsilonTimes, Probability[][] gamma, RealPos[] gammaTimes, Probability rho, RealPos[] rhoTimes, Probability[][] xi, RealPos[] xiTimes, RealPos eta, RealPos[] etaTimes, CladogeneticProbabilityMatrix omega, RealPos[] omegaTimes, StochasticMatrix[] zeta, String condition, Taxon[] taxa, Natural nStates, Natural nProc, Bool zeroIndex)


rootAge/originAge : RealPos (pass by const reference)
The start time of the process.
pi : Simplex (pass by const reference)
Frequencies of each state at the beginning of the process.
lambda : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The vector of speciation rates for each time interval.
lambdaTimes : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The times at which speciation rates change.
Default : [ ]
mu : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The vector of extinction rates for each time interval.
Default : NULL
muTimes : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The times at which extinction rates change.
Default : [ ]
phi : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The vector of sampling rates for each time interval.
Default : NULL
phiTimes : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The times at which sampling rates change.
Default : [ ]
delta : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The vector of destructive-sampling rates for each time interval.
Default : NULL
deltaTimes : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The times at which destructive-sampling rates change.
Default : [ ]
upsilon : Probability[][] (pass by const reference)
The vector of speciation probabilities for each mass-speciation event.
Default : NULL
upsilonTimes : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The times at which mass-speciation events occur.
Default : NULL
gamma : Probability[][] (pass by const reference)
The vector of extinction probabilities for each mass-extinction event.
Default : NULL
gammaTimes : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The times at which mass-extinction events occur.
Default : NULL
rho : Probability (pass by const reference)
The vector of sampling probabilities for each mass-sampling event.
Default : NULL
rhoTimes : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The times at which mass-sampling events occur.
Default : NULL
xi : Probability[][] (pass by const reference)
The vector of destructive-sampling probabilities for each mass-destructive-sampling event.
Default : NULL
xiTimes : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The times at which mass-destructive-sampling events occur.
Default : NULL
eta : RealPos (pass by const reference)
The anagenetic rates of change for each time interval.
etaTimes : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The times at which the anagenetic rates change.
Default : [ ]
omega : CladogeneticProbabilityMatrix (pass by const reference)
The cladogenetic event probabilities for each time interval.
Default : NULL
omegaTimes : RealPos[] (pass by const reference)
The times at which the cladogenetic rates change.
Default : [ ]
zeta : StochasticMatrix[] (pass by const reference)
The probabilities of change for each mass-extinction event.
Default : NULL
condition : String (pass by value)
The condition of the process.
Default : time
Options : time|survival|sampled|sampledExtant|sampledMRCA|tree|treeExtant
taxa : Taxon[] (pass by value)
The taxa in the tree.
nStates : Natural (pass by value)
The number of discrete states.
Default : 2
nProc : Natural (pass by value)
The number of processors for parallel calculations.
Default : 1
zeroIndex : Bool (pass by value)
Does the state space include zero?
Default : TRUE

Domain Type