Rev Language Reference

fnMixtureASRV - fnMixtureASRV

Constructs a mixture model from a collection of site models.


fnMixtureASRV(SiteMixtureModel[] models, Simplex fractions)


models : SiteMixtureModel[] (pass by const reference)
The mixture models to mix.
fractions : Simplex (pass by const reference)
The probability of each model.
Default : NULL

Return Type


Each site will evolve according to one of the input site models, which may also be mixture models. The probability that each site follows a particular site model is specified by the fractions parameter. The number of components in the resulting mixture model is the sum of the number of components of the input mixture models. If the fractions parameter is missing, then each of the given models is given equal weight.


# Two components with different frequencies
for (i in 1:10) { taxa[i] = taxon("T"+i) }
psi ~ dnBDP(lambda=1, rootAge=1, taxa=taxa)
pi1 ~ dnDirichlet([1,1,1,1])
pi2 ~ dnDirichlet([1,1,1,1])
weights ~ dnDirichlet([1,1])
M := fnMixtureASRV([fnF81(pi1),fnF81(pi2)],weights)
seq ~ dnPhyloCTMC(psi, M, type="DNA", nSites=10)

# A weight of 1/2 on each model because the weights are missing.
M := fnMixtureASRV([fnF81(pi1),fnF81(pi2)])

# Adding rate variation to the frequency-variation model.
M := fnMixtureASRV([fnF81(pi1),fnF81(pi2)],weights) |> fnGammaASRV(alpha) |> fnInvASRV(p_inv)

See Also