- fnMixtureASRV
models : | SiteMixtureModel[] (pass by const reference) |
The mixture models to mix. | |
fractions : | Simplex (pass by const reference) |
The probability of each model. | |
Default : NULL |
# Two components with different frequencies
for (i in 1:10) { taxa[i] = taxon("T"+i) }
psi ~ dnBDP(lambda=1, rootAge=1, taxa=taxa)
pi1 ~ dnDirichlet([1,1,1,1])
pi2 ~ dnDirichlet([1,1,1,1])
weights ~ dnDirichlet([1,1])
M := fnMixtureASRV([fnF81(pi1),fnF81(pi2)],weights)
seq ~ dnPhyloCTMC(psi, M, type="DNA", nSites=10)
# A weight of 1/2 on each model because the weights are missing.
M := fnMixtureASRV([fnF81(pi1),fnF81(pi2)])
# Adding rate variation to the frequency-variation model.
M := fnMixtureASRV([fnF81(pi1),fnF81(pi2)],weights) |> fnGammaASRV(alpha) |> fnInvASRV(p_inv)