Rev Language Reference

srStationarity - Stationarity stopping rule

Allow an MCMC run to terminate once the specified criterion has been met. An MCMC sample can be considered stationary once its mean, variance and autocorrelation structure do not change over time.


srStationarity(Probability prob, String filename, Natural frequency, String burninMethod)


prob : Probability (pass by value)
The significance level.
filename : String (pass by value)
The name of the file containing the samples.
frequency : Natural (pass by value)
The frequency how often to check for convergence.
Default : 10000
burninMethod : String (pass by value)
Which type of burnin method to use.
Default : ESS
Options : ESS|SEM


Because the statistic is defined by comparing different runs, it can only be calculated when multiple independent runs are performed, by setting the `nruns` argument to `mcmc` or `mcmcmc` to a value greater than one.


Binomial example: estimate success probability given 7 successes out of 20 trials

r ~ dnExp(10) p := Probability(ifelse(r < 1, r, 1)) n <- 20 k ~ dnBinomial(n, p) k.clamp(7) mymodel = model(k)

moves = VectorMoves() moves.append( mvSlide(r, delta=0.1, weight=1) )

paramFile = “parameters.log”

monitors = VectorMonitors() monitors.append( mnModel(filename=paramFile, printgen=100, p) )

Stop when stationarity has been attained at confidence level gamma = 0.25

stopping_rules[1] = srStationarity(prob = 0.25, file = paramFile, freq = 1000)

Create the MCMC object

mymcmc = mcmc(mymodel, monitors, moves, nruns = 2)

Begin the MCMC run = stopping_rules)

See Also