- Stationarity stopping rule
prob : | Probability (pass by value) |
The significance level. | |
filename : | String (pass by value) |
The name of the file containing the samples. | |
frequency : | Natural (pass by value) |
The frequency how often to check for convergence. | |
Default : 10000 | |
burninMethod : | String (pass by value) |
Which type of burnin method to use. | |
Default : ESS | |
Options : ESS|SEM |
r ~ dnExp(10) p := Probability(ifelse(r < 1, r, 1)) n <- 20 k ~ dnBinomial(n, p) k.clamp(7) mymodel = model(k)
moves = VectorMoves() moves.append( mvSlide(r, delta=0.1, weight=1) )
paramFile = “parameters.log”
monitors = VectorMonitors() monitors.append( mnModel(filename=paramFile, printgen=100, p) )
stopping_rules[1] = srStationarity(prob = 0.25, file = paramFile, freq = 1000)
mymcmc = mcmc(mymodel, monitors, moves, nruns = 2) = stopping_rules)