- The Tamura-Nei (1993) nucleotide rate matrix
kappa1 : | RealPos (pass by const reference) |
The first transition rate (A<->G). | |
kappa2 : | RealPos (pass by const reference) |
The second transition rate (C<->T). | |
baseFrequencies : | Simplex (pass by const reference) |
The stationary frequencies of the states. | |
Default : [ 0.250, 0.250, 0.250, 0.250 ] |
# A <-> G transition rate
kappaAG ~ dnLognormal(0,1)
# C <-> T transition rate
kappaCT ~ dnLognormal(0,1)
# nucleotide base frequencies
pi ~ dnDirichlet( v(1,1,1,1) )
# create a TrN rate matrix
Q := fnTrN(kappaAG, kappaCT, ,pi)